Most locals say that Adelaide is the classic small town, a little sleepy and easy-going. This time of year when the Festival and Fringe are going it is quite bustling and energetic and exciting. A few things (apart from the driving on the wrong side of the road) stand out = like almost every car has a trailer hitch...I don't know what this means, but it does seem like a lot of folks here are quite nomadic or maybe they enjoy towing a bbq. Another confusing thing is that all streets change name at king william street, because "you can't cross the king".

In the southern hemisphere, the sun travels from right to left across the sky.

and then my fav is the fact that someone had already bought the rights to the name burger king in australia, and so the chain is called hungry jacks.
I did not know about the sun movement. I guess I just never thought about it. What kinds of Super 8 things are going on in Adelaide?
there's a really vibrant and determined super 8 community here. i did a workshop with 40 filmmakers and all but 4 had cameras. They are eager to shoot some super 8, but the problem is that kodak in australia only offers tri-x and ektachrome at the moment, and there's no color processing here. I'm hoping to convince kodak to offer more stocks and we'll just have to cross our fingers on the lab for color...
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